


ps 快捷键词汇

-(4) Conte Crayon-(彩色粉笔) -(5) Graphic Pen-(绘图笔) -(6) Halftone Pattern-(半色调图案) -(7) Note Paper-(便条纸) -(8) Photocopy-(副本) -(9) Plaster-(塑料效果) -(10) Reticulation-(网状) -(11) Stamp-(图章) -(12) Torn Edges-(撕边) -(13) Water Paper-(水彩纸) 11....

英语四级考试 高分



<9> Plaster<塑料效果> <10> Reticulation<网状> <11> Stamp<图章> <12> Torn Edges<撕边> <13> Water Paper<水彩纸> 11.Stylize<风格化> <1> Diffuse<扩散> <2> Emboss<浮雕> <3> Extrude<突出> <4> Find Edges<查找边缘> <5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘> <6> Solarize<曝光过度> <7> Tiles<...


人物:1. characters 2. figure 3. someone who plays a part Relative explainations:<character> <personality> <personage> <person> <dramatis personae> <figures> Examples:1. 那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his ...


6 . cover (stone or brick) with a first layer of plaster 在(石或砖)上抹灰泥打底:render walls 在墙上抹底灰 7. (习语)render an zccount of oneself,one's behaviour,etc explain or justify what one has said,done,etc. 为自己的言行等作解释或辩护. 8. render sth down: make (eg fat,lard...

a patch of是什么意思是

a patch of 转译为“一小块,一片,一小片”。在具体语境中,翻译需视后接名词而定。1. a patch of grass 草丛 2. a patch of beans 一块豌豆田 3. a patch of hope 一线残存的希望 4. a patch of plaster 一张膏药 5. There was a patch of garden behind the house。 屋后有---...

photoshop 工具栏中英文对照

抓手是H 缩放是Z 是不是要这个?你把鼠标停在工具上一会,他自己不就能显示出来了么?一、File-(文件)1.New-(新建)2.Open-(打开)3.Open As-(打开为)4.Open Recent-(最近打开文件)5.Close-(关闭)6.Save-(存储)7.Save As-(存储为)8.Save for Web-(存储为Web所用...


<9> Plaster<塑料效果> <10> Reticulation<网状> <11> Stamp<图章> <12> Torn Edges<撕边> <13> Water Paper<水彩纸> 11.Stylize<风格化> <1> Diffuse<扩散> <2> Emboss<浮雕> <3> Extrude<突出> <4> Find Edges<查找边缘> <5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘> <6> Solarize<曝光过度> <7> Tiles<...


2. 橡皮 xiàngpí (1) [India rubber;eraser]∶硫化橡胶的通称 (2) [kneaded eraser]∶用橡胶制成能擦掉石墨或墨水痕迹的文具 3. 橡皮膏 xiàngpígāo [adhesive plaster] 用来将敷料粘在皮肤上,一面涂上胶质的布 4. 橡皮筋,橡皮筋儿 xiàngpíjīn,xiàngpíjīnr [rubber band] 线型或环状橡胶...


<9> Plaster<塑料效果> <10> Reticulation<网状> <11> Stamp<图章> <12> Torn Edges<撕边> <13> Water Paper<水彩纸> 11.Stylize<风格化> <1> Diffuse<扩散> <2> Emboss<浮雕> <3> Extrude<突出> <4> Find Edges<查找边缘> <5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘> <6> Solarize<曝光过度> <7> Tiles<...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
