



5, “有月亮吧,就像多了一盏灯。没有月亮吧,犹如一盏街灯损坏了,没有亮起来”译为Moon or no moon simply means the appearance of one extra street lamp or that one of the street lamps has gone wrong and ceased to give out light.看到这个句子有木有想起来“To be or not to be, that’s the...


<9> Plaster<塑料效果> <10> Reticulation<网状> <11> Stamp<图章> <12> Torn Edges<撕边> <13> Water Paper<水彩纸> 11.Stylize<风格化> <1> Diffuse<扩散> <2> Emboss<浮雕> <3> Extrude<突出> <4> Find Edges<查找边缘> <5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘> <6> Solarize<曝光过度...

PS问题 smooth选项

<9> Plaster<塑料效果><10> Reticulation<网状><11> Stamp<图章><12> Torn Edges<撕边><13> Water Paper<水彩纸>11.Stylize<风格化><1> Diffuse<扩散><2> Emboss<浮雕><3> Extrude<突出><4> Find Edges<查找边缘><5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘>...


5. The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly.该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。英英解释:名词render:1. a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls 动词render:1. cause to become 2. provide or furnish with 同义词:supply, provide, furnish 3...


5. render sth (into sth) express sth in another language;translate sth. 翻译某事物:How would you render 'bon voyage' (into English)? 'bon voyage'怎么翻译(成英语)?Rendering poetry into other language is difficult. 翻译诗歌是很困难的。6. cover (stone or brick) with a first layer of ...


<9> Plaster<塑料效果><10> Reticulation<网状><11> Stamp<图章><12> Torn Edges<撕边><13> Water Paper<水彩纸>11.Stylize<风格化><1> Diffuse<扩散><2> Emboss<浮雕><3> Extrude<突出><4> Find Edges<查找边缘><5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘><6> Solarize<曝光过度><7> Tiles<拼贴><8> Trace ...

急求 医疗事故英语对话,(假设一人死亡,不发言)其余4人 每人5句,句子...

Will I need to be put in plaster?我需要上石膏吗?Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist's.这是药方。待会儿你拿到药房去配药。Please take the medicine according to the instruction.请按说明服药。相关单词 dislocation 脱臼 spain 扭伤 twist 扭伤 burn 烧伤 spasm 痉挛 tet...


真香油2斤10两,将药泡油内,春5、夏3、秋7、冬10日;炸药黑色,捞出,将滓捣极细烂听用;复将药上火,入飞过黄丹1斤2两,用槐条搅匀,滴水成珠;将前研药滓入膏内,再入阿魏、芦荟各3钱、阿胶1两、麝香1钱、冰片2钱、乳香、没药各2钱,共研极细;候膏温,将药入内搅匀,瓷罐秘收,再勿见火。 5.6 用药禁...


三黄膏 拼音:sānhuánggāo英文:sanhuangplaster概述:三黄膏为方名,同名方剂约有5首...壮阳春口服液 拼音:zhuàngyángchūnkǒufúyè中药部颁标准:拼音名:ZhuangyangchunK...复方三生注射剂 拼音:fùfāngsānshēngzhùshèjì英文:复方三生注射剂说明书:药品名称:复方三生注射...艾茱丸 拼音:...


下文中Mr. Arable带着一个为小猪准备的木纸箱返回家的时候,家里的早餐已经准备好了,作者又用到了smell of这个词:“The kitchen table was set for breakfast, and the room smelled of coffee, bacon, damp plaster, and wood smoke from the stove.”(厨房的餐桌上摆好了早餐,整个屋里弥漫着...
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