



The Han Dynasty begins setting up a county , Zeng sets up time the Tang Dynasty to return to a prefecture, Republic switches over to return to the prefecture county in the first year of an era , for 3 years Republic switches over to be Zi Gui County , always continues to use so far...

Oluoqiao Limestone Deposit in Qamdo County()

In early 1 9 67 the Industry Bureau of the Qamdo Prefecture selected Jagka located 1 2 km to the south of the Qamdo town as the site of the cement plant,and demanded the No.1 Geological Party to make a survey for the limestone on the west of Jagka.In late February the...


when the settlement on the current location of Yancheng was named Yandu County (盐都县).Administration The prefecture-level city of Yancheng administers 9 county-level divisions, including 2 districts, 2 county-level cities and 5 counties.Yandu District (盐都区)Tinghu District (亭湖区)...


measuring the value of their hair lead to observe the county and rural residential areas of lead poisoning in children. The results of this prefecture of lead poisoning in children an average rate of 47.9 percent, of which the county neighbourhood of childhood lead poisoning rate was...


the quiet two state place. The Spring and Autumn Period time is the swallow place, when Warring States is the swallow Liaoxi county place. When Qin, Western Han Dynasty belongs to Liaoxi, the Liaodong county place, when the Eastern Han Dynasty big subordinate Liaodong vassal state...


Letter land that is the central North Vietnam (5) - Niigata prefecture - Nagano Prefecture - Fu Shan County - Ishikawa Prefecture - Fukui prefecture East (4) - Aichi - Gifu County - Shizuoka Prefecture - Mie Prefecture Kinki (6) - Kyoto House - Osaka - Hyogo - Shiga - Nara County -...

蓟. 这字什么拼音

蓟 蓟 jì 【名】(形声.从艸,魝jiè声.本义:蓟属植物的泛称)同本义〖thistle〗.多年生直立草本.有大蓟和小蓟两种.茎和叶有刺和白色软毛,初夏开紫红色花.全草供药用.嫩茎叶可食用或作饲料.如:罗平蓟;贡山蓟 古州名〖Jiprefecture〗.唐开元十八年置.治所在渔阳(今天津市蓟县)古县名〖Jicounty〗...



英语达人 救命啊!!!

4 2,215,031 aichi prefecture in Nagoya 6785.2 central region 5 ZhaHuangShi Hokkaido 1,880,875 1677.7 Hokkaido area 6 ShenHuShi hyogo 1,525,389 2759.8 kinki area 7 Beijing urban JingDouFu 1,474,764 1781.3 kinki area 8 fukuoka district fukuoka county 1,400,621 4112.2 ...


2010年8月7日,甘肃甘南藏族自治州舟曲县发生特大泥石流。On Aug 7, 2010,a powerful mudslides damaged houses in the landslide-hit Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China's Gansu Province.建议你可以参考这篇甘肃舟曲哀悼英语作文。http://www.zwjgy.com/zuowen...
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