


so easy什么意思中文翻译

【双语例句】:Not everyone finds it so easy to identify with gaza's population. 要想确定加沙目前的人口数量不是一件容易的事。It's so easy to allow our attention to spin out. 让我们的注意力一直持续简直是太容易了。No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit ...


neg——指示只有当为任何指定变量定义了一个值时,才将arg的值用作标记的替换值。2.It was interesting to see Neg on the killshot. can you tell us a bit about the recruit? do you know what the drama was that made him leave his previous guild?我在FD截图赏看见Neg了。你能透露一点...

try out是什么意思?该怎么用?

try out的意思:试验, 选拔(尤指运动比赛或者角色甄选)用法如下:1、try out sth(试试某物/事)或try out for sth(参加运动比赛或者角色甄选)如: He will try out for the football team. 他要参加足球队的选拔(测试)2、Let me try out my new shoes.让我试试这双新...

so easy什么意思?

例句:1.Not everyone finds it so easy to identify with gaza's population.要想确定加沙目前的人口数量不是一件容易的事。2.It's so easy to allow our attention to spin out.让我们的注意力一直持续简直是太容易了。3.No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit ...

so easy是什么意思?

例句:1.Not everyone finds it so easy to identify with gaza's population.要想确定加沙目前的人口数量不是一件容易的事。2.It's so easy to allow our attention to spin out.让我们的注意力一直持续简直是太容易了。3.No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit ...

so easy什么意思

例句:1.Not everyone finds it so easy to identify with gaza's population.要想确定加沙目前的人口数量不是一件容易的事。2.It's so easy to allow our attention to spin out.让我们的注意力一直持续简直是太容易了。3.No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit ...


【双语例句】:Not everyone finds it so easy to identify with gaza's population. 要想确定加沙目前的人口数量不是一件容易的事。It's so easy to allow our attention to spin out. 让我们的注意力一直持续简直是太容易了。No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit ...


raw recruit;green hand)是一个网络流行词,拼音是xiǎo bái,最早在网络上指不守礼节、不守秩序、不会自我规范的人,其具体表现是以自我为中心,对他人随意开炮,为(小白痴)的简称;有时也指智商太低或理解力太差的人。3、“小白”已经偏向中性词,更多的是指新手、菜鸟、菜虫的意思。


decade的意思:十年;十年期(尤指一个年代)。读音:[ˈdekeɪd]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:lost decade失去的十年 ; 失落的十年 ; 迷失十年。例句:The manifesto calls for a greater effort to recruit young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of...
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