这两个词的区别我懂,emphasize使用更广泛,常见to emphasize...的形式,即主动;而underline常见sth.be underlined的形式,即被动。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~ 接下来让我们看下emphasize与underline的其他区别: 1. emphasize与underline都是指强调, emphasize更强调再次或者强烈地表达...
\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a1)to prevent something bad from happening\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents.\x0d\x0a It is important to take measures to avoid the risk of fire.\x0d\x0aavoid doing sth\x0d\x0a The refugees ...
3、The fish lay thousands of eggs at one time. 这种鱼一次产卵数千个。 4、Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform. 成千上万的人花很多钱去观看这支乐队的演出。 5、Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk. 有几十万人正处于危险中。 抢首赞 已赞过 已踩过<...
1. After talking about the job in general, we got down to the specifics, ___ the salary.2. Carmakers use robots to do unpleasant jobs, ___ painting cars in hot conditions.3. There is a real risk of injury in sports ___ climbing.4. There are many big cities in Europ...
\x0d\x0aCheers\x0d\x0aVery casual. Used between friends. Can beused between coworkers if you want to appear very casual, at the risk ofsounding unprofessional.\x0d\x0a随意地结尾,普通朋友就可以用,更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”。如果你想跟同事亲密点也可以用这个结尾,不过...
"Mean to do": 侧重于强调动作的意图和决心,强调个人主观意志的作用。 例句:I meant to finish the report tonight, no matter what.(我打算今晚完成报告,无论如何都要完成。) "Mean doing": 侧重于逻辑关系的表达,以及因果关系的连带作用与影响。 例句:Drinking too much wine means the risk of liver dama...
41 be used to 习惯于……,适应于……42 risk n&v.危险,风险43 take risks (take a risk)冒险44 accident n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇45 situation n.情况,状况46 kilo (=kilogram) n.千克47 rock n.岩石48 run out (of) 耗尽49 knife n.(pl.knives) 刀50 cut off 切除51 blood n.血52 mean v....
2、reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。3、reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力,to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price;decrese是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西(size, amount...
"Dedicated to"和"be dedicated to"基本上具有相同的意思。它们都表示致力于某个特定目标、领域或活动,并且通常意味着为此付出了很多努力和时间。例如:She is dedicated to her job. 她非常专注于她的工作。This book is dedicated to my parents. 这本书是献给我父母的。"Dedicated to"可以用作形容...
例子2:He took the risk of doing harm for his reputation by speaking out against injustice. (他冒着对自己声誉有害的风险,公开反对不公平现象。)do harm to: 这个短语更强调行为的负面影响,往往没有强调实现其他目标。例子1:Gossiping about others can do harm to relationships. (对别人...