1 :欧洲2 :美元 3 :日元4 英镑5 :印度卢比6 :墨西哥比索7 :巴西实时8 :菲律宾比索9 : 以色列新锡克尔 10 :加币11 :澳大利亚元12 :港元13 :人民币
1.At first they refused to admit their fults, but they end up with applogizing to the teacher.2.Xiao Ming put on 5 kilograms after the summer holiday.3.That child usually will turn to the teacher when meeting trubles.
1 jao=10 fen(分)朝鲜圆Korean WonKPW1KPW=100分越南越南盾Vietnamese DongD.VND1VND=10角=100分日本日圆Japanese Yen¥;J.¥JPY1JPY=100 sen(钱)老挝基普Laotian KipK.LAK1LAK 1LAK=100 ats(阿特)柬埔寨瑞尔Camboddian RielCR.;J Ri.KHR1KHR=100 sen(仙)菲律宾菲律宾比索Philippine P...
cloze test 英文发音:[ˈkləʊz test]中文释义:填空测验;完形填空 例句:I hope it's an objective test& true-false or multiple choice and cloze test are easier for me.我希望是客观题&是非题、选择题、完型填空对我来说较容易。词汇解析:1、cloze 英文发音:[ˈ...