



1 :欧洲2 :美元 3 :日元4 英镑5 :印度卢比6 :墨西哥比索7 :巴西实时8 :菲律宾比索9 : 以色列新锡克尔 10 :加币11 :澳大利亚元12 :港元13 :人民币


8. India has taken a stance that the U.S. finds hard to accept, engaging in trade with Russia directly and bypassing the dollar.9. In light of Russia's financial sanctions by the Western countries, India plans to conduct trade payments in rubles to support Russia and circumvent...


cloze test 英文发音:[ˈkləʊz test]中文释义:填空测验;完形填空 例句:I hope it's an objective test& true-false or multiple choice and cloze test are easier for me.我希望是客观题&是非题、选择题、完型填空对我来说较容易。词汇解析:1、cloze 英文发音:[ˈ...


"She knows nothing about money, and so she is stingy. If she won it she would give me a hundred rubles, and put the rest away under lock and key."And he looked at his wife, not with a smile now, but with hatred. She glanced at him too, and also with hatred and ...


你是9班的还是10班的 15.答案:我觉得他变得很高大,像童话里的巨人。外祖父年轻时做什么工作的?外祖父年轻时曾在伏尔加河上做纤夫 小茨冈的身世故事是怎样的?小茨冈是个被遗弃的孩子,有一年的春天,在一个阴雨绵绵的夜里,奶奶从门口捡到的。当时他已经冻僵了,奶奶用一块破围裙裹着,带回了家...


9. Ultimately, the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, with its 15 republics declaring independence. The dissolution of the Soviet Union was not only the collapse of the political system but also the end of the Cold War.10. Given the factual independence of the former Soviet ...


offers substantial opportunities for all participants. However, the intensifying competition within the Russian market might influence Ozon's long-term profitability. The company's impressive performance during the pandemic, with a growth of 144% in 2020 and 123% in 9 months of 2021, ca...
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