
take a beating



受到打击的英文:take a beating;come under attack。例句:1、市场本已预计,中国保险公司今年的利润会受到打击,因为它们难以与其在中国内地股市的巨额投资收益相媲美。中国股市去年上涨约97%。Profits at Chinese insurers ar...


挨打 take a beating suffer beating get a thrashing come under attack 挨打:cop it|get one's lump|take a beating 相关例句:1.挨打和饿肚子成了汤姆的家常便饭。Beatings were as common as hunger in Tom's li...

挨打 用英语怎么说

be beaten 挨打 take a beating suffer beating get a thrashing come under attack 挨打:cop it|get one's lump|take a beating 相关例句:1.挨打和饿肚子成了汤姆的家常便饭。Beatings were as common as hunger ...


To lag behind is to be beaten。落后:fall behind; lag behind; backward。挨打:take a beating; suffer beating; get a thrashing; come under attac。双语例句:1、落后就要挨打,财大才能气粗。Behind will be beat...

take a beating from是什么意思?

《21世纪大英汉词典》take a beating(from)1. 挨打,挨揍,受到打击(或谴责)2. 遭到失败,遭受重大挫折,受到重创 3. 遭受损失,蒙受损失


take [get] a beating;[例句]跟他作生意你是要吃亏的。You will stand to lose if you do business with him.


take a shot at 射击 take a stand on 坚持立场 take after 相似 take along 随身携带 take apart 拆开 take away 减去 take care of 小心;照料 take down 拆除;记下 ake a bath v.洗个澡 take a beating v....

take a real beating ; You can't beat them for a buck是什么意思_百 ...

take a real beating 如果是在购物时用来描述商品的,意思是:(这件商品)可以在恶劣条件下使用,随便怎么用(都不会坏)you can't beat them for a buck 便宜货是没法跟它们比的 ...


在美军中,行军歌曲通常被称作“朱迪口令”( jody calls)或者“朱迪们”( jodies)。 和军队中流传的故事不同,行军歌曲和进行曲不一样,前者不需要伴奏,很多都是以一问一答的形式出现,一个士兵喊出第一句,后面的...


https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 对于雅思考试,在考试之前,如果做一套雅思模拟题,对于雅思考试来说是很有帮助的,一方面可以了解雅思考试的考试模式,另一方面在正式考试的时候也不会那么紧张,那么下面就和小钟老师来看看2023年...
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