
take a beating



take a break休息 中断 take a cut in pay 接受减薪 take a leave of absence 休假 take a shot at 射击 take a stand on 坚持立场 take along 随身携带 take away 减去 take down 拆除;记下 take a beating v....

挨() 组词

11. 挨整 áizhěng [be the target of attack] 受整治,吃苦头 神情比挨整那时更严峻了 12. 挨揍 áizòu (1) [be buffeted;be knocked about;take a beating]∶遭到重打 (2) [be defeated]∶战场上吃败仗 ...


At the University of Minnesota, Doris Taylor has created a beating bioartificial rat heart. Dr. Atala’s medical team has reported long-term success with bioengineered bladders implanted into young patients with spina bifida...


挨 挨 [ㄞˉ]郑码:DZMA,U:6328,GBK:B0A4 拼音:āi ái 部首:扌,部外笔画:7,总笔画:10 ; 繁体部首:手,部外笔画:7,总笔画:11 五笔86&98:RCTD 仓颉:QIOK 笔顺编号:1215431134 四角号码:53084 UniCode:CJK...

求american eulogy的歌词翻译 greenday的。

Beating into the hearts of the fanatics 跟随狂热分子的心脏跳动 And the neighborhood's a loaded gun 闪烁在同胞手中上了膛的枪 Idle thought leads to full-throttle screaming 懒散的念头导致最高亢的尖叫 And the ...


doyouhearpeoplesing歌词如下:Do you hear the people sing Singing the song of angry men It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the ...

wap歌词 歌曲wap的歌词

Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashes Switch my wig make him feel like he cheatin Put him on his knees give him somethin to believe in Never lost a fight but Im looking for a beating In the ...

求Who‘s That Chick歌词及中文意思

Bass kicking so hot blazing through my beating heart 贝斯震荡,穿透心脉 French kissing on the floor, heart is beating hardcore 法式热吻,心跳加速 Heard everybody is getting a little sexy on the crazy juice 疯...


All who heard this said Ah Q was a great fool to ask for a beating like that. Even if his surname were Chao--which wasn't likely--he should have known better than to boast like that when there was a Mr. ...
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