
thread of



1. N-VAR 可变名词(尤指用于缝纫的)细线,细丝 Thread or a thread is a long very thin piece of a material such as cotton, nylon, or silk, especially one that is used in sewing. 2. N-COUNT 可数名词主线;思路;脉络 The thread of an argument, a story, or a situation is an aspect of ...

i'm the tread

D,恐怕这条线会在做脆弱的地方断掉.例句:I've warned him that it will easily break where the thread of his kite is the weakest.我已经提醒过他,风筝线不结实的地方很容易断.


螺纹代号Thread Code 一、英制螺纹(螺纹牙型角55度)Thread of British standard ( Thread pitch shape angle 55°)BSW---英国标准惠氏螺纹(粗牙)British Standard Whitworth Thread ( Coarse )BSF---英国标准惠氏螺纹(细牙)British Standard Whitworth Thread ( Fine )G---直管螺纹(外螺...

let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth

Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them. Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks. ...

Anywhere Is 歌词

To leave the thread of all time,And let it make a dark line In hopes that I can still find The way back to the moment.I took the turn and turned to Begin a new beginning,Still looking for the answer,I cannot find the finish.It's either this or that way,It's one ...

萌新求助.thread is not a member of ‘std'

thread is not a member of ‘std'线程不是“STD”的成员 重点词汇 thread螺纹; 线; 线索; 线状物; 穿成串; 将穿过…; 用…线缝; 给…装入 not不; 不是; 几乎不; 未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语]a member一把手 stdstandard 标准 你好 如果是c++遇到了这种情况 可能是你mingw版本太老...


s girlfriend is dying and he's really cut up about it.布朗先生的女友不久人世,他十分悲伤。3、Keeping the tenuous thread of life attached to a dying body.保住垂危的体内残存的一口气。4、He hoped to aggrandize himself by dying a hero's death.他想通过英勇的死亡提高自己的名声。

Enya的《Watermark》 歌词

To leave the thread of all time,And let it make a dark line In hopes that I can still find The way back to the moment.I took the turn and turned to Begin a new beginning,Still looking for the answer,I cannot find the finish.It's either this or that way,It's one ...

full diameter of thread的意思

full diameter of thread 英 [fʊl daɪˈæmɪtə(r) ɒv θred] 美 [fʊl daɪˈæmɪtər əv θred]网络  螺纹大径
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