
thread of


What type of thread do you use ? The thread are imported from which...

你使用哪一类型的螺纹?这些螺纹是从哪个国家进口的?这里的thread有很多意思,因为不知道你上下文,所以暂选用“螺纹”。thread [θred] n. 线;螺纹;思路;衣服;线状物;玻璃纤维;路线

Thousands of silk thread是什么寓意

数千条丝线 也就是千丝万缕的意思 ~~~祝你进步,有疑问可追问,请及时采纳~~~


hang by a 'hair/ 'thread(of a person's life人的生命)to be in great danger命悬一线;气若游丝;危在旦夕hang (on) 'in there(informal)to remain determined to succeed even when a situation is difficult保持信心;坚持下去;不气馁hang on somebody's 'words/on somebody's every 'wordto listen ...

...Thread(r)创建一个线程时,表达式:r instanceof Thread的值时...

false 或 0表达式:r instanceof Thread的语义即"r是否为Thread的实例(instance)"。再看Thread的构造方法(Thread有许多构造方法,以下是最典型的构造方法,其它构造方法都是从下面的构造方法中"减掉"一些参数形成的):Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)可见,Thread构造方法中没有...



thread through是什么意思

thread through [英]θred θru: [美]θrɛd θru (把…)穿过…;小心翼翼地穿过…,妥善处理…[例句]It was part of francis bacon 's new atlantis , and has been a recurrent thread through much of the past 400 years of science.它是弗朗西斯培根新大西岛的一部分,也...



thread relief是个什么意思,不要直译的,这个是机械方面的专业术语,又...

从气隙顶部,将安全阀软管螺纹旋下来,并拉出沟槽。Grooving for thread relief is usually done prior to threading to ensure that the resulting threads will be fully engaged up to a shoulder.车螺纹之前通常要切退刀槽,从而保证螺纹于轴肩完全切合。Take pin threads of NC50 drill collar as...

Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a proba...

这是类加载器内存泄露的一个问题,具体可以看这里:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7788280/memory-leak-when-redeploying-application-in-tomcat 你可以利用JProfile这一类的工具或者用jhat导出类情况分析。分析下当前哪里存在引用导致的泄露,再更改相应的代码,解决这类问题。祝你好运!
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