



weapons的意思是兵器;墙上挂着的矛武器;斗争工具。相关句子:1、He decides to wield his pitiful weapon .他决定动用他的可怜的武器了。2、Without their weapons they were helpless .他们没有武器便不能自卫。3、They demand the surrender of all weapons .他们要求支出所有武器。4、He flourished...


weapons的英音【'wepənz】;美音【'wepənz】。weapons的意思是武器;兵器;;凶器;手段,工具(指用作攻击或斗争的知识、言语、行动等)。含有weapons的双语例句 1、A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons。化学武器已被禁止使用。2、The country has not forsworn the use...


weapon的意思是武器。weapon,英 ['wepən],美 ['wepən]n. 武器;兵器 过去式: weaponed 过去分词: weaponed 现在分词: weaponing 第三人称单数: weapons 例句:This weapon fires anti-aircraft missiles.这种武器是发射防空导弹的。weapon近义词 arm,英 [ɑːm],美 [ɑ&#...


《孤岛惊魂3》Signature weapons详细获得方法1、Shadow :定制化的1911手枪,消音器、加长弹夹、反射式瞄准器/reflex sight。占领17个据点就能在商店购买。2、Shredder:定制化的Vektor SMG,消音器、加长弹夹、光学式瞄准器/optical sights。收集10个记忆卡就能在商店购买。3、Bull:定制化的M133霰弹枪,加长...


侠盗猎车手秘籍翻译成中文是什么:all right weapons轻武器。all medium weapons中型武器。all heavy weapons重型机械。full health 满血。full armor 护甲。commit suicide 自杀。raise wanted level增加星星。。decrease wanted level减少星星。fast boats can fly船会飞。ladies man,womem少妇杀手。foll ...


I am the bone of my sword.身为剑体 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.钢铁之血 灼璃之心 I have created over a thousand blades.手创千剑 历经百战 Unknown to death,Nor known to life.无一败绩 无一知己 `Have withstood pain to create many weapons. .常独自一人自醉与剑...

3 reason why nuclear is terrible

Three reasons why we should stop using nuclear energy.One: nuclear weapons proliferation.Nuclear technology made a violent entrance onto the world stage. Just one year after the world's first-ever nuclear test explosion in 1944, two large cities were destroyed by just two single bombs...


强袭装甲 Assault Cuirass 希瓦之看守保护 Shiva's Guard 刃甲 Blade Mail 魔龙之心 Heart of Tarrasque 血精石 Bloodstone 镇魂石 Soul Booster 黑皇杖 Black King Bar 林肯法球 Linken'sphere 挑战帽子 Hood of Defiance 前锋盾 Vanguard 永不磨灭之看守保护 Aegis of the immortal 秘法圣所Arcane ...


item.godweapons_ObsidianStick.name=黑曜石棍 item.godweapons_DiamondCrystal.name=钻石水晶 item.godweapons_DiamondHammerHandle.name=钻石剑柄 item.godweapons_DiamondHammerHead.name=钻石锤头 item.godweapons_DiamondHammer.name=钻石大锤 item.godweapons_LegendaryHammerHead.name=风暴锤头 item.god...


侠盗猎车手罪恶都市CLEO〈4.cheats〉翻译如下:All light weapons开启所有轻武器All medium weapons开启所有中等武器All heavy weapons开启所有重武器Full Health满血Full Armor防弹衣Commit Suicide自杀Raise Wanted Level 加星Decrease Wanted Level减星Fast boats can fly船跑快了会飞起来 Ladies Man, Women...
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