



侠盗猎车手罪恶都市CLEO〈4.cheats〉翻译如下:All light weapons开启所有轻武器All medium weapons开启所有中等武器All heavy weapons开启所有重武器Full Health满血Full Armor防弹衣Commit Suicide自杀Raise Wanted Level 加星Decrease Wanted Level减星Fast boats can fly船跑快了会飞起来 Ladies Man, Women...


one_handed_weapons = 单手武器熟练 two_handed_weapons = 双手武器熟练 polearms = 长柄武器熟练 archery = 弓箭熟练 crossbows = 十字弩熟练 throwing = 投掷武器熟练 firearms = 火器熟练 3.修改其文档之后再进入主角面板\统计\先导入角色 二.作弊法 在进游戏前,在配置里勾选作弊模式。这样在游戏...


Chips-芯片。具体如下:Chips-芯片。Crack Items-裂痕的物品。Craft Gloves-工艺手套。Crafted Items-手工艺品。Elder Version-老版。Others-其他。Quest Items-任务物品。Rare Items-稀有物品。Rune Related-符文相关。Runes&Gems-符文和宝石。RuneWords-符文之语。Super Rare Weapons-超级稀有武器。Superior...

One of the most important weapons used during the Second





but in the event of war, these weapons will destroy the entire planet. Although the existence of space exploration and the potential dangers of these shortcomings, its benefits have to much. We have successfully spread the use of satellites for communications, weather forecasting, oil ...

求fate中acher完整台词I am the bone of my sword。。。

Have with stood pain to create many weapons 彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で胜利に酔う。其常立于剑丘之巅,自醉于胜利之中 Yet,those hands will never hold anything 故に、生涯に意味はなく。因此,此生已无任何意义 So as I pray,Unlimited Blade Works その体は、きっと剣で出来ていた。...


1、选择MOD进入游戏,开始新游戏或读档均可。2、进入游戏后,打开人物属性界面。3、点击左下角统计按钮。4、点击导出玩家角色。5、得到成功提示后,通过系统文件夹进入路径“C:\Users\你的用户名\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\Characters”找到“你的角色名称.txt”。6、可自由编辑人物属性。7、保存...

废土2 武器详细数据及心得

Bladed Weapons刃类近战武器 Knife (Tier 1-1): 3 AP, 1.5x Crit, 5-8 Damage, 1 Pen, 2.0 lbs, $35 Sickle (Tier 1-2): 3 AP, 1.5x Crit, 6-9 Damage, 1 Pen, 4.0 lbs, $46 Makeshift Machete (Tier 1-3): 4 AP, 1.6x Crit, 4-9 Damage, 1 Pen, Diagonal Attack...

...should be allowed to have nuclear weapons

should be aloud nukes however because there are such weapons so many wars have been prevented i mean look rlistically you could fit the UK lets say into texas 13 times however america would never risk a war with the Uk becoz even there tiny lil island would wipe evrymajor ...
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