8. (Keep your head down)Kee-yup seodo,Kee-yup seodo,Jipeojyeotda, sarajyeotda, nae gaseume niga jugeo modu tabeoryeotda,(Keep your head down)Kee-yup seodo,Kee-yup seodo,Ssa-rang-eul apeumeul cham-neun gaseume mot bak-go.9. (왜?) 날 그/...
【转自Ellie Goulding贴吧】Figure 8 Ellie Goulding Breathe your smoke into my lungs 把你的烟深深吸入我的肺中 In the back of a car with you I stare into the sun 在你车后我凝望著太阳 Still not too old to die young 想要早逝 还不算太迟 But lovers hold on to everything 但情人...
这种情况一般做法只有耐心等着了 (但应该是某个步骤卡住了,面对矫情的微软,其实可以强行关机重启的。。。顶多给你个非正常关机的警告)
4.The sky is so blue.天空好蓝 5.She does't like black coat.她不喜欢黑色外套 6.They spotted the wall with green paint.他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁 7.The blue curtains clash against the brown furniture.蓝色窗帘与褐色家具很不协调 8.Then your flaxen hair in my memory would never fade...
3、finish my homework in time.务必完成功课。4、don't play computer games.不能玩电脑游戏。5、don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。6、no smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒.7、don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人 8、don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。9、...
执行命令:sudo docker pull mysql:8 4.2 运行容器 执行命令:sudo docker run -d --name mysql8 -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=your_password mysql:8 至此,已成功在腾讯云上使用Docker安装MySQL8.x,实现数据库服务的快速部署。后续教程将介绍如何使用本地计算机的Navicat远程链接MySQL数据...
A.active 为正确选项。句子有should,说明是提议别人做某事,be active 做某事符合题意,而able to 是有能力的意思。,不符合题意。【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。
but you just past me by havin a quarter sitting in the corner with you i share my time i past your homeroom wishing you were my own girl every time i look to see you sit at home but someday you'll notice if you look into my eyes ohhh 2,4,6,8,who do you appri...
接下来,需要在MySQL中创建一个支持utf8mb4的数据库和表。创建数据库可以使用以下命令:CREATE DATABASE yourdb CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;这个命令会创建一个名称为yourdb的数据库,并设置它的字符集为utf8mb4,排序规则为utf8mb4_unicode_ci。然后,需要创建一个支持utf8...