大学英语 College English 高等数学,Advanced Mathematics 大学物理,College Physics 高等化学,Advanced Chemistry 电路基础,Basis Theory of Circuitry 模拟电子技术,Analog Electronics Technique 数字电子技术,Digital Electronics Technique 单片机原理,Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers 液晶显示基础,Liquid ...
1.He lost the watch that his dad gave him.2.The girl who/that told me the news is not a student.3.He is one of the most careful boys that I have known.4.I have stayed in touch with the girl who just passed us for many years.5.Yesterday we came to the square wher...
1. Celebration for the first arrival of the shipment of cars. (迎接第一批新车到店)2. Welcome the first group of costomers. (迎接第一批客户)3. Welcome the first group of users of BMW. (迎接第一批BMW用户)4. Holding the first formal meeting for the general managers. (召开第...
7. 有没有自己设计开发产品的能力?8. 是否保存产品的详细技术资料?9. 有咩有书面的技术参数,设计图纸,封样或其他类似的方式向工厂传达生产要求?10.有没有有效的措施确保工厂进行产品技术,包装和质量的调整?11. 有没有严格的管理机制记录生产的不同阶段,确保准时交货?12. 有没有驻厂质检确保...
1.When he saw me, he waved hello.2. Since you can not forgive others, how can you wiish for others' forgiveness?3.Although they love their children, they are strict with the kids.4.With the coming of the spring, flowers began to bloom.5.Whenever you come here, we ...
1. At this point——在这一点上 2. Get lost—— 迷路 3. Friendly smile ——友好的微笑 4. look into a matter——调查某事 5. Make introductions ——做个介绍 6. At this point——在这一点上 7. Get a good job ——找到一份好工作;做得很好 8. Be worried about —...
不怕遇到神一样的对手,就怕组上猪一样的队友。I am not afraid of GOD-like opponents but afraid of GOOSE-like teammates.(注:在英文中一般不用猪来形容人蠢,而是用鹅goose)击中不到人,真的很吓人。It really horrify/shock us a lot by your continual missing.(missing 动名词,表示未...
The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. 从中我们吸取到得教训是大不一定就美It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. 修建一个宏伟的大坝来象征国家的成就及民族的信心...
1.No matter professionalism or personal ability,R is my role model.He is quite familiar with business processes.In routine work,he always carries out the group's five principles to lead our work and makes himself an example.He lays stress on the product quality,repeadly reminds us...
他们会说“随便作几个菜,不好吃。”如果翻译为英文就是“我只是简单做了一些,尝起来也不好吃”Perhaps the foreigner will think why you invite me to you family and have the untasty food.那样外国人可能会猜想,那为什么你要请我到你家来吃不好吃的东西。You aren't respect me.你不尊重...