按照自己的理解,对楼主的一些句子按照英文的表达习惯,进行了调整进行翻译,希望能给楼主一些启示(个别地方楼主不太理解或不满意的话,如果需要也可以给我留言沟通。)After graduation, I started working as a professional translator in electronic technology industry。By translating and exchanging in ...
1.没有永远的胜利者。 (有意思的想法,可挑选最符合的那一句:)May all victors lose once and for all.Winner all's proven by lose, not win.No lose, no winner.2.过去,都将成为历史。(个人认为此句不错,也就不多写了,最多再“交换”一下哈)The past, whatever, in the world ...
6(您是不是漏打了个第六个问题的小编号呢?)答案;At the time when the W.W.II happen,the people's living condition is beyond our imagine. Most people can't wear worm and go to bed hungrily在世界第二大战 发生的时候,人们的生活状况是超出我们想像,他们大多数人穿不暖,每天带...
内容:Our chances of winning the game are _a、slim __.选项:a、slim b、 light c、 slant d、 slender --- 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5 内容:It is important to remember the saying that__a、prevention ___ is better than cure.选项...
这也不是是英语谚语。。。找书没用,这些是经过中文美化的对偶句,可是英文里面没有这种句式,这也是中文的博大精神之处。因此只能意译,不能直译!1.没有艰辛,便无所获 No pain , no gain.2. 插上理想的翅膀,扬起青春的风帆 Set up and follow your dreams when you are young.3. 讲君子之...
Hawthorne effect was found from a failure of management studies. 1924年11月美国国家研究委员会组织了以哈佛大学心理专家梅奥为首的研究小组进驻西屋电气公司的霍桑工厂,他们的初衷是试图通过改善工作条件与环境等外在因素,找到提高劳动生产率的途径。 The United States in November 1924 the National ...
第二段正在翻。。。4.1 the improvement of the external environment 4.1.1 the modification of laws and regulations Personal Financial Service is a integrated business whose healthy and fast development can not be realized without the cooperation and support from society and government, ...
有关协议及双方认可的来往电报、传真、会议纪要等,均为本合同组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效益。Related agreement and agreed correspondence,fax, and conference summary by both parties shall all be the composed documents of contracts which have same force of law.2,国家及地方有关建设工程...
不怕遇到神一样的对手,就怕组上猪一样的队友。I am not afraid of GOD-like opponents but afraid of GOOSE-like teammates.(注:在英文中一般不用猪来形容人蠢,而是用鹅goose)击中不到人,真的很吓人。It really horrify/shock us a lot by your continual missing.(missing 动名词,表示未...