9 envoys of different races, of mankind as a whole in order to avoid the destruction of Middle Earth Lord of the Rings and the composition of the expedition team, after the resurrection of the Solon location - Mo are moving ... ..."The Lord of the Rings" has brought more ...
5.She's like a fish out of water 她就像鱼儿离开了水,不得其所。6.He's the apple of my eyes.他是我的掌上明珠!7.He's a rotten egg.他是个大坏蛋!(直译是:他是一只腐烂的蛋)8.I could eat a horse.我快饿死了!(直译:我可以吃下一匹马,形容饥肠辘辘)9.He's chicken...
关于商店之类的单词越多越好~~如营业主顾要价之类的~~要求有英文翻译~请高手帮帮忙~另外谁有好的英文情景剧本也请告诉我下~谢谢啦!不要对话~只需要与柜台有关的单词~谢谢啦~... 关于商店之类的单词越多越好~~如营业 主顾 要价之类的~~要求有英文翻译 ~请高手帮帮忙~另外谁有好的英文情景剧本也请告诉我下~...
5. All players go back to the starting point.6. Your opponent step forward 2 blocks.7. Step back to the closest player to you. If you are the last player, step back 6 blocks.8. Move only when opponent rolls an odd number.9. Roll one die, step back to the block that...
好好的活着,为了我,让我为你自豪 (第9任DOCTOR给ROSE的告别语, 感动ING)Like you want me to be Where ever you are I'm thinking of you oceans apart 就像你希望我好好活着一样 无论你在何方 我会想着你 I want you to know 我希望你明白 Well I woke up today and you're...
9 Titanium series: evening primrose, love summer, simple affair, flower opened rich, vacant dreams, dancing and magnificent, great heart, love together, mood, and Vidas, cool, and the new millennium.10 oil sands series: Freehand live, Breeze, p plus stand, photo stories, step ...
在AI的帮助下,我们可以进行自动注释。6. Textual annotation helps us understand the text better.文本注释帮助我们更好地理解文本。六、用法1. "Annotation" 作为名词,表示对文本、图像等的解释或评注。例如:"This book has a lot of annotations."(这本书有很多注释。)2. "Annotation" 可以与...
我们使用4,49,40苯1,3,5 triyl-tribenzoic酸(H3BTB), 铜(II)硝酸盐, 以及N, 准备Cu3(BTB)2(H2O)3z的N9-dimethylformamide(DMF)(DMF)9(H2O)2(MOF-14), 其结构显示被相互加强的一对交织的有机金属的结构。 那些结构包含非常大毛孔,16.4埃在内直径,在方面哪个大量 气体和有机溶剂...
1.缔造时间。/时间便是你花时间所做的一切。2.让你被听见 3.灵魂引擎 4.从头做起 5.一颗钻石,无限闪耀 6.七喜一口,清醒一刻 7.因特尔在“芯”中(原文无法超越)8.联系你我 9.因为路在那儿(模仿“因为山在那儿”)/为了前方 10.更进一步 11.可口尽享,可口可乐 12.下一代/新生代(好傻...