
Bottoms up! 跟cheers 的区别



凡是你能想出来的!6、Could you mix up the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon the night before so all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning?能不能前一天晚上搅好鸡蛋、牛奶、香草和肉桂?这样你第二天早晨只要将面包蘸进去就可以做法国吐司了。

cheer sb.up 还是cheer up sb.

重点词汇:Cheer 释义:n.欢呼声,喝彩声;加油口号,加油歌;欢快,愉快的情绪 v.欢呼,喝彩;鼓励,鼓舞 【名】(Cheer)(美、英、加、澳)舍尔(人名)[复数:cheers;第三人称单数:cheers;现在分词:cheering;过去式:cheered;过去分词:cheered]短语:cheer up高兴起来;振作起来;使高兴;使...


1. 短语式祝酒词 To your health!(Good health!)Bottoms up!Cheers!(Cheerio!)(Here’s)Yo our victory!To Mr. Li!All the best!2. 习语性单句式祝酒词 Down the hatch!Here’s mud in your eye!Here’s skin off your nose!Here’s looking at you!3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式...


2. 祝酒等:Cheers! / Bottoms up! / Here’s to you! / To your future. / To your health! 3. 祝贺生日节日: Happy Birthday! / Happy New Year! / Happy Valentine’s Day! / Merry Christmas! / Happy Spring Festival! / Happy Chinese New Year! 4. 结局完美时: That’s good! / Lucky ...


Bottoms up! Cheers!(Cheerio!) (Here's)Yo our victory! To Mr. Li! All the best! 2. 习语性单句式祝酒词 Down the hatch! Here's mud in your eye! Here's skin off your nose! Here's looking at you! 3. 用drink 和toast组成的单句式祝酒词 I'll drink to your good...

翻译高手们 跪求这几句话的英文

Toast to my journey tomorrow Be in peace for I'll return home Everything's good to you Toast to the woman crying before you Remember that someone oughtn't to be treated this way(不该被这样对待?)虽然我翻译得没有多少文采……但是显然这里“干杯”不能翻译成cheers ...




41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. Don't move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。47. I think so. 我也这么想。48. I'm single. 我是单身贵族。49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!50. Let me see.让我想想。51. ...

cheer直接加名词可以吗和cheer up 有什么区别

room.一瓶玫瑰花使得房间里生机盎然。cheer on 与 cheer up 的区别 cheer on:向……欢呼;为……鼓劲加油.例如:The crowd cheered the runners on.cheer up:(使……)高兴起来;(使……)振作起来.例如:(1)You need a holiday to cheer yourself up.(2)Cheer up!Do not be sorrowful!
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